1. Introduction of Committee Members
Dr. Worchesky welcomed the new committee meembers to the Undergraduate Council.
2. Election of UGC Chair
Dr. Worchesky, greeted the UGC and discussed the nomination of the Chair. The UGC voted unanimaously to allow Dr. Terrance Worchesky to serve as the Chair.
3. Other Business
Dr. Worchesky discussed the online and hybride courses and informed the UGC that there will be a committee to look into how the courses are administered. He also encouraged members from the UGC to participated on that committee.
4. Postings
The following postings were discussed and approved:
SOWK 390 – Special Topics (Approved over the summer and presented to the UGC for final approval)
AMST 317 – Nonviolence & American Social Movements (New) – The UGC approved all the AMST courses put requested that the department remove permission of the instructor from recommended course prepration.
- ENGL 499 – Senior Honors Project (Change: Prerequisite)
BIOL 313 – Introduction to Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (Change: Prerequisite & Description) revised
GES 310 – Geomorphology (Change: Prerequisite)
GES 311 – Weather and Climate (Change: Prerequisite)
GES 314 – Geography of Soils (Change: Prerequisite)
GES 317 – Water Quality (Change: Prerequisite)
GES 318 – Natural Environment (Change: Prerequisite)
GES 325 – Historical Geography (Change: Prerequisite)
GES 330 – Geography of Economic Development (Change: Prerequisite)
GES 341 – Urban Geography (Change: Prerequisite)
GES 416 – Hydrology (Change: Prerequisite)
GES 428 – Scientific Practice and Environmental Policy (Change: Prerequisite)
GES 488 – Spatial Data Analysis and GIS Applications (Change: Prerequisite)
Health Administration & Policy (Program Change)
MATH 355 – Biomathematics (Change: Grading Method)
MATH 447 – Introduction to Parallel Computing (Change: Grading Method)
MATH 469 – Mathematical Physiology (Change: Grading Method)
MATH 486 – Discrete Dynamical Systems (Change: Grading Method)
MATH 487 – Continuous Dynamical Systems (Change: Grading Method)
MCS 499 – Capstone Senior Seminar (Change: Prerequisite)
5. Tabled Postings
The following postings were tabled at the September 18, 2014 meeting and additional information has been requested from the departments:
- BIOL 307 Human Physiology (New)
- GES Honors (Program Change) – The UGC tabled the course but will contact the department and direct them how to fix the program change.
- POLI 450 – Seminar in Public Administration & Policy (Change: Title, Transcript Title, Recommended Course Preparation and Description) – The department has requested the UGC to table and they will submit corrected materials.
- SOCY 470/670 Social Ties across the Life Course (New) – The UGC tabled the course but recommened the UGC Chair contact the department and direct them on what needed to be fixed in the posting.
- SOWK 372 – Social Work and Health Care (Change: Description) – The UGC tabled the course and has requested that the department resubmit the posting.
6. Tabled Postings from AY 2013-2014
The following postings were tabled and additional information has been requested from the departments:
AGNG 361 – Technology for Management of Aging Services (Change: Prerequisite) – tabled because of COMP 101
BIOL 420 – Advanced Topics in Cell Biology (Change: Repeatable and Description)
IS 125 – Information Systems Logic and Structured Design (Change: Description)
IS 147 Introduction to Computer Programming (Change: Recommended Course Preparation & Description)
IS 202 – Systems Analysis Methods (Change: Prerequisite)
IS 295 Intermediate Business Applications (Change: Recommended Course Preparation & Prerequisite)
IS 300 – Management Information Systems (Change: Recommended Course Preparation & Description)
BA in Business Technology Administration (Program Change)
Minor in Information Systems (Program Change)
CMSC 101 – Computational Thinking and Design (Change: Course Number)