Minutes: September 19, 2019

Approved courses:

EHS360 –  Instructional Issues in Emergency Health Service (change)

Emergency Health Services Minor

ENG375 – Masterworks for Creative Writers (change)

ENME303 – Engineering Mathematics (change)

HIST384 – Viewing History through Maps: East Asia in Native and European Cartography (new)

Information Systems – Inactive Courses

MLL424 – Introduction to Cross Cultural Competency in the Middle East & North Africa (MENA) (new)

BA Theatre Concentration Design and Production

BA Theatre Concentration Theatre Studies

SOCY301 – Analysis of Sociological Data (change) – this was approved pending changes but, changes were not made until June

Approved courses after changes made:

ART400 – Teaching Artist = Change Agent (new)


ANCS365 – Magic and Witchcraft in the Ancient Mediterranean (new)

ENME417 – Global Engineering (change)

GWST379 – Intimate Partner Violence: A Global Perspective (new)

Health Administation and Policy Minor